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Welcome Back, Bulldogs!

Dear ACA Families,

Welcome back for the 2018-2019 school year! The staff at ACA has been diligently working throughout the summer in preparation for another amazing year. This year we will welcome over 900 students to our campus; this is the largest enrollment in ACA’s history! We are excited to welcome 12 new staff members to ACA. They are a phenomenal addition to our team and we could not be happier to have them join ACA. The additional staff is to support our new students. We have a phenomenal return rate with over 95% of our staff returning. ACA continues to offer small class sizes and provide a safe, family and community environment for all of the students, parents and staff.

In addition to our new staff we have also updated our administration team. Mr. Parham will be joining as the Dean of Students and Mrs. Klenner is joining as the Dean of Student Services. Both teachers have the Administrator Certification from the Arizona Department of Education. In addition to joining the admin team both teachers will continue to teach their respective 8th grade classes. I am excited to have them join our administration team and help us stay focused on student academic success.

In order to continue to provide safe dismissal procedures, K-5 students will be dismissing at 2:45 and 6-8 students will be dismissing at 3:05. All other procedures will remain the same in terms of picking up siblings and how students leave campus.

We have great plans for ACA this year and will continue to stay focused on student academic achievement and defying the odds. Please read through this letter because it is full of important information.

Quick Highlights:

· All Red for Ed money went directly to teaching staff

· Additional sections of 1st, 3rd, and 6th grade

· Programs including tutoring, homework assistance and clubs after school

· Fully implemented music program for K-8 grade, hired an additional music teacher this year

Now through August 3rd new and returning families are able to fill out their registration paperwork. This paperwork is available online through our parent portal. If you are unsure of your login or need your password reset, please contact the front office. Uniforms will be available for purchase at this time as well. The front office staff is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact them at 623-974-4959 with any questions.

Check out our website at for updates on back- to- school events. Also, as part of our continued efforts to reduce waste, Student Handbooks will be available on the website and in paper only by request.

In closing, I wanted to remind you of our Mission Statement. This is at the core of what we do at ACA and drives every decision we make:

Arizona Charter Academy’s mission is to empower all students to be responsible, productive, and successful citizens. Our Arizona Charter Academy students will:

· Apply creative and critical thinking to solve problems

· Display cultural awareness, pride, and respect for themselves and others

· Utilize technology effectively

· Actively participate in the community

· Articulate and support viewpoints through written and verbal expression

You can support our mission by sending your child to school daily, on time and prepared. Your child’s education is truly a partnership, and without you none of this would be possible!


Mrs. Beckman, K-8 Principal


REGISTRATION BEGINS – now – August 3rd

MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT – August 3rd from 4 pm until 6 pm


K-5 begins at 7:30 AM and are released at 2:45 PM

6-8 begins at 7:30 AM and are released at 3:05 PM


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