Are you worried about the low quality of your child's current school?
Are they just a number?
Are they falling behind?
Overcrowded classrooms?
Did you know?
65% of all US 4th graders are not reading at grade level?!
3rd Grade reading level indicates a student's chances of graduating high school?!
Studies show, low quality Kindergarten teachers can have a negative impact on the student that lasts through their adult years?!
ACA Parents are confident they've chosen the right school to grow their child's curiosity, creativity and passion for learning!
Academic Growth
A+ School of Excellence
Award winning
A Rated School
Students prepared for high school and beyond
A community minded school
Highest quality teachers with an award winning workplace
Are you ready to set your
child up for success?
Learn More:
We've had thousands of parents, for the last 20 years, happy they made the choice to send their child to ACA:

Admissions and Enrollment to Arizona Charter Academy
Thank you for your interest in Arizona Charter Academy!
Please take a moment to look over the following information about our Application and Enrollment process. If you have any questions please contact the
ACA Enrollment Center at
or 623-302-5718 or stop by the Enrollment Center located in our
Front Office 16025 N Dysart. Rd. Surprise, AZ 85374.
Non Discrimination Policy
Arizona Charter Academy is a free public charter school and admission into Arizona Charter Academy is not limited based upon race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition, proficiency in the English language, immigration status, or athletic ability. The school does however limit admission to students within a given age group or grade level, as per classroom/building capacity.
Arizona Charter Academy may refuse to admit any student who has been expelled from another educational institution or who is in the process of being expelled from another educational institution.

Gracias por su interés en Arizona Charter Academy. Para aprender más sobre nuestra increíble escuela y sus altos rendimientos académicos presione aquí

Admissions and Enrollment Policies
For detailed information on the entire admissions and enrollment process. This section also includes information on application priority status as well as detailed information about how the lottery and waitlist works
Child Find Screening
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) requires that public school agencies ensure all children (from birth through age 21) with delays or developmental disabilities are identified, located, and evaluated to receive the supports and services they need. This includes all children living within the geographic boundaries of the school district – those who are homeless or wards of the state, are attending private schools, or are home schooled. Public schools and the Arizona Early Intervention Program are responsible for “finding” eligible children and providing services needed for them to reach their developmental milestones or meet their educational needs.
Early intervention supports and services assist families of eligible children by helping children ages birth to 3 years develop to their full potential. In Arizona, early intervention services are provided through the Early Intervention Program (AzEIP).
If you would like to information about a free Child Find Screening for your child, please contact:
Arizona Charter Academy Child Find: 623 974-4959 ext. 108