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Parent Lunch 11/28

We love welcoming parents back on campus and enjoy seeing families together during our parent lunches. After 2 months of parent lunches that have proved overwhelming successes, we are continuing to perfect our model, as we always do here at ACA. There will be a few BIG adjustments to our parent lunches going forward so please be sure to read all of the details below...

In order to ensure we are able to provide safety for all students during the lunch times and since we have had overwhelming interest in parents attending it has put a strain on our resources of staff monitoring all students at lunch time we have come up with a solution by breaking up which grade levels will have open lunches each month. It will alternate going forward.

On Tuesday November 28th, we are happy to welcome families of 1st Grade and 5th-8th grades to come have lunch with their child/ren. We still ask families to RSVP below if they plan on coming to eat with their child.

**NEW ENTRANCE- We will now have parents enter through our Middle School queuing lane gate which is accessed through Market Street. We’ll have our white ACA flag at the entrance to show you where to go.

We have a few new guidelines for the lunches as well, so please read below:

  • We enthusiastically request you do not sign your child out of school after the lunch as there is MUCH learning taking place afterwards especially after Kinder lunch since it’s so early in the school day. **NEW

  • Please refrain from taking pictures or recording videos that feature students that are not your child. **NEW

  • A student may eat lunch with their visiting parent/guardian, but they are not permitted to invite friends to sit with them. This is a special time designated for families. **NEW

Below are guidelines that have already been in place but we want to reiterate in case there are any questions:

  • Visitors must bring a valid ID

  • Visitors must be 18 and over and at least 1 must be on the student's emergency contact list (no children)

  • Max 2 visitors: per lunch, per child

  • Outside food is permitted but not required for your child

  • Visitors must bring their own lunch

  • Microwaves are not available

If you child/ren is in 1st Grade and 5th-8th grades and you plan to attend the upcoming parent lunch on Tuesday November 28th, please RSVP HERE.


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