We are very proud to announce ACA was named "Arizona's Most Admired Companies" for the 6th year! But wait! There's more! Not only that, but we won one of the spotlight awards for Workplace Culture!

At ACA our Staff Values that we spend a tremendous amount of time making a part of every thing we do here revolve around the acronym G.R.E.A.T. which stands for:
Grit- determined passionate and staying focused on the end goal even when things get tough
Redefine Possible- We are change agents, provide hope and defy odds. We believe all students deserve to achieve their dreams and we need to close the achievement gap for children.
Expect Excellence- We are mission driven, highly motivated, and maintain the highest level of excellence for ourselves, students and our colleagues.
Accountability- We are responsible, give or take no excuses and do what it takes to achieve our goals.
Thoughtfulness- Even though we may be strict, we show our students joy, warmth and compassion. We ask each other for help when we need it and we are advocates for our own well being as well as watching out for others.
