This past Monday, ACA held our monthly Virtual Parent Lunch and Learn tackling the topic of Mental Health for parents, students and families in this ever changing COVID environment. ACA's School Counselor, Mrs. Sturgill, led the conversation. Mrs. Sturgill works with ACA students providing one on one counseling. She also hosts group therapy sessions with students in grades Kinder through 8th grade. She is on campus to work with teachers, administrators and students to all work together to ensure positive outcomes for all students in the areas of mental health.
Her conversation this past Monday began with "It's okay to not be okay" and after dealing with this ever changing COVID climate for the last 8 months, It was exactly what parents needed to hear.
She discussed, pandemic fatigue and ways you can notice it in your children as well as providing creative ideas on how to connect with your family. One notable suggestion was hopping off your phone and giving your family your undivided attention. Great ideas!
If you missed the Lunch and Learn, we did record the session and you can watch it HERE.