ACA is proud to be a PBIS school. What is PBIS? Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. To get a little more detailed, it's an evidence based, three-tiered framework to improve student outcomes and behaviors. In short, our PBIS program creates a positive culture on campus while increasing student engagement.

PBIS is something ACA has been utilizing for many years. If you are a parent here, you might have heard of Paw Parties or your child told you they received Red Tickets while at school. These are all pieces of our PBIS program in action, here at ACA. Red Tickets are a positive incentive program used all across the school in grades K-4. Students can receive red tickets for modeling good behavior in various ways from anyone on campus. Teachers, cafeteria workers, playground monitors, front office staff and even district staff are on board with the Red Ticket process. Students can earn Red Tickets for helping pick up trash, staying on task in class, walking in S.T.A.R in the hallway etc.

Students get to redeem their Red Tickets in various places like prizes in their homeroom class at the end of the week. They also get entered into a student of the month drawing for gift cards and other great prizes throughout the year.
The goal of PBIS is to improve social, emotional and academic outcomes for ALL students including students with disabilities and students typically from underrepresented groups.
We want our parents to know that PBIS helps create a school where all students succeed.
Our campus PBIS Coordinator, Mrs. Dobbs who is also our 3rd Grade Lead Teacher, says this about the program, "Students are constantly recognized for modeling positive and expected behaviors. They are excited and look forward to the recognition. As a teacher, it allows for more instructional time being that there are less discipline occurrences throughout the day".
Not all schools choose to be PBIS schools, but ACA has seen what a positive impact it has on our culture and school and are convinced positive behavior interventions and supports are what lead to all students succeeding.