If you've driven by or walked on campus in the last week it's hard to miss our amazing new mural.

ACA received a grant from the West Valley Arts Council to work with local artist, Hugo Medina to paint a mural on campus. We wanted to involve our students as much as possible, so students from the Integrated Academy of Studies (6th-8th grades) met with Hugo over a month ago to brainstorm concepts and ideas they wanted portrayed in the mural. It was very important to our students, early on, that the mural properly depicted who we are at ACA.

The resounding theme from the students was unity, diversity and community.
For the past week, Hugo and the students prepped, sketched and painted the mural. All of the hands traced are from our own students Kinder through 8th grades. We did a big unveiling in front of the entire Middle School on Monday December 18th.

We were grateful to work with the West Valley Arts Council and Hugo on this project and are excited students for years to come will get to enjoy it.

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