Kinder Update
Kindergarten Parents!
All kinder families, regardless of if they attended Kinder University will need to come pick-up materials this week.
Your child’s math workbook needs to be picked up. Our supplier was delayed and we are hoping they will be ready no later than Thursday. If they come earlier, we will send you a messenger.
So, for now, please plan on coming on Thursday to pick up your child’s math workbook and small art kit.
Please call our front office if you have any questions.
Thank you!
1st Grade Update
1st Grade Parents,
If you attended 1st Grade University, we do have a small art kit we are handing out to all 1st grade families available if you want to come pick-up during our scheduled materials pick-up days.
Last Names starting with A-L on Tuesday 8/4 and M-Z on 8/5. Both days are from 8am-4pm.
Below is the route:

Please call our front office if you have any questions. Thank you!