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  • Spreading desks, face forward and tables 3 feet apart with assigned seating  

  • Recess schedules and zones on playground   

  • Breakfast will be held in the classroom, multipurpose room and facilities are cleaned after every breakfast.

  • Lunch will be with assigned seating in the multipurpose room with social distancing as much as possible.


Intensify Cleaning and Disinfecting 

  • Daily cleaning regiment with approved supplies.   

  • Classrooms and offices will be provided with cleaning supplies to disinfect learning and high touch surfaces. 

  • Classrooms cleaned daily, bathrooms frequently throughout the day.   

  • Facilities are cleaned and sanitized daily.   

  • Daily cleaning/sanitizing of student desks.   



Gatherings/Visitors/Field Trips:  


  • Non-essential visitors will not be permitted on campus. 

  • Student of the month and other assemblies will be held in person based on current health/safety conditions. We are striving to roll out smaller versions of our assemblies during the school year while still offering virtual formats as feasible. 

  • Fieldtrips will occur based on current health/safety conditions. Fieldtrips will not be mandatory for students.  


Face Coverings 


Intensify Cleaning & Disinfecting
Gatherings/Visitors/Field Trips
Face Coverings


  • ACA will encourage the use of face coverings among is stakeholders in accordance to the CDC guidance and recommendations on mask wearing as it relates to vaccination status.

  • ACA wants to ensure all stakeholders on campus feel safe and able to utilize cloth face coverings according to their need.

  • Staff can place a mask on for 1 on 1 interaction if a student feels safer in the interaction



  • ACA will provide information to staff and students on proper use, removal and washing of cloth face coverings.


Food Service 

  • Will be using disposable food service items (utensils, dishes, etc.)   

  • Lunch staff will be monitoring each lunch period and cleaning up and sanitizing surfaces. 


Hand Washing 

  • Staff of ACA has been trained in handwashing prior to the start of school.  Staff is required to follow the handwashing policies.   

  • Students are trained within the first three days of school.  The training includes videos, staff training students, posters hung throughout the school and verbal reminders.  Hand washing includes soap/water method and hand sanitizer.     

  • Parents need to train their students at home on washing hands following the CDC guidelines.  The CDC guidelines have been posted on ACA’s website for reference.   

  • If students bring their own hand sanitizer, students may not share with any other person and parent understands if the sanitizer does not meet CDC guidelines, ACA is free from liability.     

  • Teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and increase monitoring to ensure adherence among students and staff.  Posters are located in communal spaces, staff and students are trained.    

  • If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%  alcohol can be used (for staff and older children who can safely use hand sanitizer).    

  • Encourage staff and students to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Used tissues should be thrown in the trash, and hands washed immediately with soap and water for at  least 20 seconds.    



Health Screenings 

First checkpoint for screening starts at home:  

  • Keep child home if displaying any COVID-19 symptoms  

  • Encourage you to self-report to the ACA Covid hotline or filling out this form if you have a family member displaying symptoms, has been exposed or tested positive.  

Students Displaying Symptoms During the Day Process:

  • Student will be sent to the Student Office with form filled out by staff member  

  • Student will be isolated in the COVID-19 isolation area  

  • Student will place face covering on (unless has medical conditions)  

  • Staff member will conduct a quick health screening.  

  • Staff member will contact parent/guardian to pick up student if symptoms are consistent with COVID-19  

  • ACA will offer the option to parents with symptomatic students to administer a rapid COVID-19 antigen test on site with the parent present.  

  • Parents will be required to administer the test to their child. ACA will not administer the test.  

  • The COVID-19 antigen test will be at no cost to parents. 

  • This is entirely optional for students. 

  • You will follow the isolation guidance according to the test results. 

  • ACA Staff will notify local health officials of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality.  

While we realize precautions will be taken for the safety of students, please understand that neither the test administrator nor Arizona Charter Academy, nor any of its trustees, officers, employees, or organization sponsors are liable for any accident or injuries that may occur to your child, as a result of agreeing to the test. 


For the 21-22 School Year Specific to COVID-19: 

If your child has a known Chronic Non-Infectious Condition (per County Health): Isolation is not necessary if your symptoms are caused by a known chronic non-infectious condition (e.g., allergies, asthma). A doctor should provide a note confirming this.  



Playground Protocols 

  • Playgrounds will be “zoned” for each designated class to maintain students in cohorts and to minimize potential exposure.  

  • Our playground equipment will be available for student used based on current health/safety conditions. ACA will monitor current health/safety conditions and may minimize playground equipment use if community spread is high. 



Reported Cases 

If a member of the school tests positive for COVID-19 the following will happen:  


  • ACA follows guidance from Maricopa County when a member tests positive 

  • ACA maintains a COVID dashboard of any positive cases.  

  • ACA will notify parents if a member within their child’s class has tested positive.  

  • If ACA were to experience an outbreak on campus, we would follow the CDC guidelines on notifying members.   

 Parents/guardians are notified about a COVID case if: 

  • Your child has had direct contact (within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more) with someone who tested positive and that person is in isolation. 

  • Your child has had indirect contact with a student or staff member that tested positive, within 6 feet for less than 15 minutes, or if they were in direct contact with a student in the class who has a household member who tested positive. 

  • There are 2 or more active cases on campus from different households simultaneously that meet specific criteria from the MCDPH (listed below).  

When will school-wide notifications take place regarding COVID cases? 
ACA will send a school-wide notification only when two or more students or staff have tested positive for COVID-19 within a 14-day period, AND the following criteria from the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) are met: 

1. Those that have tested positive could have had direct contact, such as in a classroom or on a school sports team; and 
2. Do not live in the same household; and 
3. Were not identified as direct contacts of each other in another setting during a Public Health case investigation (e.g. friends who play together in each other’s homes). 

What is the difference between Active Cases and those in Quarantine? 
When we are notified of a positive case our staff immediately begins contact tracing and identifies those who were in direct contact with that individual.  As a precaution we place those in direct contact in quarantine because they had direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Over 99% of those in quarantine never test positive or become symptomatic.  The number of active cases reflects those who have tested positive and are in isolation. 



Shared Belongings 

  • Students will keep their own individual supplies and will be stored in separate area   

  • Shared school supplies will be wiped down after each use   

  • Students will have own individual computer devices   

  • Students are not to share supplies/materials.   



Signs and Messages 

  • Physical guides including posters on wall 6 ft apart, floor decals indicating 6 ft. on commonly walked paths and in drop-off and dismissal areas this also helps identify 3 feet.   

  • Regular school messages to parents with the latest guidance updates from the CDC, state, and local health authorities  

  • 5-8 student announcements will include how to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and germs  

  • K-4 morning meetings will review behaviors to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and germs  


Social Physical Distancing 

Modified Layouts:  


  • Students will have assigned seating   

  • Plexi glass partitions have been placed in front offices, student offices and portable partitions for staff needing to be in proximity with students for speech services, students with special needs, etc.   

  • Physical guides across all campus buildings and outside sidwalks(posters and floor decals measuring 6ft apart)   

  • Social distancing protocols will be used outside of the classroom along with limited use of common areas when feasible.   

  • If an emergency arises that requires a staff member to touch a student or another staff member, resume social distancing as soon as safely possible, wash hands, and disinfect any surfaces touched.   



Training Employees 


ACA’s Plan Train all employees:  

Prior to the start of school staff are trained   


  • Handwashing   

  • Social distancing   

  • Cloth face coverings   

  • Coughing and Sneezing Protocol   

  • School-wide procedures   

  • Sanitizing   

  • Daily Employee screening   





  • Increase ventilation by opening doors when temperature allows and as available within classrooms (fan/vent on AC units).     

  • Change air filters on a regular schedule   

  • All HVAC systems are regularly cleaned 

  • Air purifiers are installed in our campus wide HVAC system.   

Food Service
Hand Washing
Health Screenings
Playground Protocols
Reported Cases
Shared Belongings
Signs and Messages
Social/Physical Distancing

ACA Safety Measures/ Mitigation Plan 

ACA has prepared a comprehensive plan to mitigate risk of exposure of COVID-19 in our school. This page contains detailed information about ACA’s safety protocols for the 21-22 school year. For a condensed PDF version of ACA's Mitigation Plan for the 21-22 School Year Click HERE.


We need assistance from parents and families to screen their students prior to coming to school, and to NOT send students to school with fever, or if students exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive or have recently had close contact with a person who has COVID-19. If a student or employee is ill, they should stay home.

Parents or legal guardians must inform ACA by calling our COVID hotline (main school # option 9) if they have symptoms, test positive or have had direct exposure with someone that has tested positive.

Training Employees
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