Hour of Code Week
Wanted to share The Hour of Code this week Dec. 5-9 is a International week of awareness for coding and computer science. As we know,...

STEM Women’s Empowerment Breakfast
Today a group of our MS students got to go to the science center for a STEM Women’s Empowerment Breakfast sponsored by the YWCA. This...

Senior AMEX Programmer Visits ACA at Coding Today
Today we hosted a visiting senior programmer from AMEX who shared with our students his expertise at Coding Today.

ACA Student Recognized at the Surprise AZ Council Meeting
Arizona Charter Academy sixth grader Claire Avalos was recognized at the Surprise City Council meeting Sept. 6 for obtaining a perfect...

ACA K-8 Principal Speaks at Educators Summit
\ACA’s Chief Academic Officer and K-8 Principal, Heather Henderson, addressed the Educators Summit recently, about the steps the school...

ACA Students Learn About Financial Literacy
Arizona Charter Academy has recently launched a program to educate children at a young age about financial literacy, in hopes of...

Students Enter Tournament & Win Big In a Different Way
ACA students have been participating in a fascinating program that teaches students financial literacy through a series of games based on...

ACA Students Donate Books to Nepal
Back in October of 2014, Arizona Charter Academy conducted a Read-a-Thon to contribute books for schools in remote and disadvantaged...

Looking Back, Looking Forward
Another School Year Over? Can you believe it’s May already? We sure can’t, because this school year just flew right by! You know what...

ACA Partners with League of Women Voters to Host Candy Election
Last week, Arizona Charter School held a mock election for the 4th grade with the assistance of the League of Women Voters as a...